Unlock Your Unlimited Potential with Skooli’s Online Tutoring

Get the personalized help you need in the subject areas you need it most. With Skooli Unlimited’s virtual drop in you can connect with professional educators that can help you succeed in today’s online learning reality.

Get instant help from top educators

Whether you’re struggling with a new concept or looking to get ahead with your homework, Skooli Unlimited offers immediate access to qualified educators skilled at explaining challenging concepts in easy-to-understand ways in a virtual setting. 

Qualified educators specialized in online tutoring
Voice and text chat for simple two-way communication
Interactive whiteboard for optimal visualization & learning
Available for homework help after school hours
Anonymous, safe and secure platform
Accessible & compatible across devices

Once you log into Skooli Unlimited, you can instantly connect with a tutor through our innovative online classroom.

Using the interactive white board and voice and text chat features, it’s easy to get help with challenging assignments. Our accessible platform means you can get the support you need from the device that works best for you.

Skooli Unlimited is like having a personalized learning coach at your fingertips.

What students have to say about
Skooli Unlimited

My latest test score in math was a 52, or an F. I could understand the material, but when it was given to me as difficult problems, I froze. My tutor really helped me go through my homework, working out each problem and breaking it down to help me understand the material. He is super nice and I definitely recommend him as your tutor!

Lia, Math Student

I had a math session today and my tutor explained everything so well that I understood all the concepts very clearly. I was given homework from my teacher that I was very confused about, and after the session I became very confident in doing these questions. He was very nice and friendly, and I definitely recommend Skooli Unlimited.

Anand, Skooli Student

Another great session. I have a test tomorrow that I was not very confident about because there were a few concepts I was not solid on, but now after learning these concepts during the session, I feel very confident for my test. My tutor was very nice and friendly as usual. 5 stars!

Devi, Returning Student